132 miles
from your search location
Practice Setting
I work in a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) and a Long-Term Care Facility in Northwestern PA. The hospital departments that I work in are ER and ICU. The ER is a 6-bed department with 1 physician 24/7, and staffed by 2-3 RNs depending on the time of day. I work primarily 7pm to 7am. The Long-Term Care Facility has 2 floors with 30-40 beds per floor, and staffs on night shift with one RN, 2-3 LPNs, and 5-6 CNAs.
Preceptorship Description
I am willing to discuss nursing-related questions you may have and give advice and conversation as appropriate. All conversation must of course remain HIPAA compliant. If you are interested in in-person shadowing or preceptorship, this would, of course, have to be cleared with the facility administrators at my places of employment. I am always willing to engage in conversation!
Critical Care
Long Term Care